Sister Whitney was a little bummed she didnt get to be transferred last week. She is ready to try something new but also knows that a change entails new hardships. This week she told me she wants to work on patience. She is in charge of a lot if things, including teaching her comoanion how to teach. She struggles with the fact that her companion doesn't speak up much and help during the discussions and then finds herself frustrated wirh Sis. Richardson. She told me she apologized to Sis. Richardson and will trynto be more patient with her. Their new mission president arrived and did 60 second interviews worh all the new missionaries. He asked Caprice what he should "know about her" and Caprice said that he can always trust her. She said she always follows the mission rules and tries her best at all times ! He was impressed and said that he has been praying for all the missionaries before he even met them. And said she has been praying for him too- which brought...